The purpose of the framework contract is to enable the EC, increasingly through local delegations, to access the skills and expertise needed for project activities at short notice and with simplified procedures: normally selection is done within 1 month from the EC Request of Service without interviews.
On September 16, 2007 ICstat received a two-years extension to provide services for the European Commission under the Framework Contract EuropeAid/119860/C/SV/multi LOT 11
Lot 11: Macro economy, Public finances and Regulatory aspects, reference
List of Framework contractors as of Europeaid official document (ICstat reference at page 27)
ICstat participate in a consortium led by the DFC SA Spain and, for each Request for Service (RfS), each member of the consortium submits a selection of CVs to the Team Leader. After an immediate evaluation of the CVs within the members of the consortium, the company which presented the CVs of the expert estimated as the best (or more than one in case different positions are required) is informed that its proposal has been selected and it will be presented at once to the EC.
Subsequently, the selected CV of the expert competes with the CV of the experts selected by the other consortia. It follows another quick competition where the judge is the EC; the winning company is informed accordingly. The whole process normally requires one month and in the case you are chosen by the EC you will sign a contract with ICstat as independent consultant.
Request for Services come out every single week!
If you are generally interested and available for an assignment, you can e-mail to ICstat an updated curriculum in the EC format of the European Commission ["4_2_3_cv_model_all_lots_en.doc" (application/msword)]
Following you will find few examples of recent RfS for Bolivia, Georgia, and Morocco and the contacts of ICstat Framework Contract Lot 11 Coordinator.
(read more >>)
Contact person
Mr. Giorgio D'Amore
ICstat, Viale Giulio Cesare n°92, 00192 Roma
ph:+39 06 3759 1834; fax:+39 06 3759 1859